The Guru Rests Inside


You are becoming the grandest, greatest version of yourself. Voice of Fear
vs. Voice of Love which one presents your best and grandest version of
you. –Alan Cohen

Ram Dass once said;
I have found that his love (his guru) help to free me from my
righteousness. Ultimately I would rather be free and in love than be right!

Our predicament is that our ego wants to be right in a world of people
who do not understand how right we are.


“One of the traps I saw I was caught in,

was the trap of righteousness that I used to justify my anger. But I saw that love

freed me back into the ocean, and that

anger didn’t, and that I would rather be

free than right.”

-Ram Dass


“The quickest way through your stuff is to learn how to listen inside. The inner guru is always there for you once you recognize it. You must honor your own path. You must be able to trust that there is a place in you that knows what’s best. There is a tendency to look to others for guidance. Only you know what is suitable for you. Trust your intuitive heart/ When it speaks, listen. If it feels ‘right on’, do it.”

-Ram Dass





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