Marie’s Intuition

My intuitive teacher, Marie Manuchehri, has taught me intuitive answers are calm kind, loving, compassionate and surprising. They are quiet whispers. This is what you call the “voice of love”. However, in order to get into intuition, One has to raise your vibration to where you are free of fear. To hear my intuition, there has to be a total present moment experience…total absence of fear.

Intuitive people recognize themselves as more than only ego. They know themselves as spiritual beings in a loving, unlimited, and supportive Universe. They recognize their ego to be their limited false Self, a helper, at best, to their Spirit but not the leader of their lives. Their strong connection to Universal guidance creates an entirely different reality: one in which we are here to create meaningful, purposeful lives filled with joy and where the Universe is always available to help us succeed by communicating through our intuition.

The funny thing is that there is two different types of people and they just have different experiences. Unlike ego-driven people who are fear-based and limited and therefore focus on problems and threats, intuitive people know there’s always a solution to every problem, no matter how complex or challenging, and love to discover it. So, acting like Divine detectives, they watch out for every clue, no matter how subtle or seemingly insignificant, knowing it will help lead to the answers they seek.

Exclusively ego-driven people also get to be right in not finding a solution if they are convinced there isn’t one and refuse to consider looking for it. In either world, you are right. But in the ego-driven world, you lock yourself out from the gifts and joy that all those wonderful solutions offer.

The key to finding an intuitive answer is to respond as fast as possible, spending no more than a minute to come up with each answer. The longer you take the more you slip back into the ego driven mind.

The achievement of any answer that you desire may be considered success, however, if you will let your standard of success be your achievement of joy, everything else will fall easily into place. For in the finding of joy, you are finding vibrational alignment with the resources of the Universe.

To tap into your intuition, you go beyond the logical rational brain. You need to turn off your beautiful mind and tune and be in your emotional system and share the vibrations of the sweetness of life. You need to recharge your emotional body and recalibrate it. The antidote to a rational mind is to become curious and receptive to learning something new.

The key to knowing if you are using your intuition instead of simply projecting onto others is to pay attention to what you actually notice. Real intuition is short, direct, and to the point, leaving you feeling relieved, informed, strengthened, and clear. I find the key to finding an intuitive answer is to respond as fast as possible, spending no more than a minute to come up with each answer. The longer you take the more you slip back into the ego driven mind.

In contrast, a negative ego judgment or projection is often a long-winded rumination which is rambling, competitive, righteous, and usually leaves you feeling yucky. Further You cannot hear the intuitive answers as the universe is whispering to you when you are in fear. Fear is not a solution. Ego wants you to be dependent on it.

When looking for the answer you first have to find what brings authentic joy for you and only you (not others). Get curious. All the universe asks is to just look into it, and see if you can have the patience to wait for the intuitive right answer to arise.

What if I am surprised every single day?

Universe wants and needs you to get in line with your magnificence!
You excel at this. We all have our own unique gifts and special talents!

Do things that bring you joy.
Stop doing thing that do not bring us joy
Get curious. Need to take a little risk each day.

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