F.E.A.R….False Evidence Appearing Real
F.E.A.R – Friend Existing As Resistance
-Elizabeth Winkler
Healing is the release from fear.
-Alan Cohen
“Whenever I step forward to claim a big new “yes,” all of my old no’s come back to greet me”. I call this the “dance of the ego”. When we are in fear, we are aligned with the ego.
When we are in fear, we are aligned with the ego and begin the “dance with the ego” …endless ruminations why change is good. -Alan Cohen
They asked the shaman:
– What is poison?
Anything beyond what we need is poison.
If we accept moderation, it becomes contentment.
– What is fear?
Non-acceptance of uncertainty.
If we accept uncertainty, it becomes adventure.
Whenever I step forward to claim a big new “yes,” all of my old no’s come back to greet me.
-Alan Cohen
Confusion is the last stop on the train to clarity.
-Alan Cohen
In a world of uncertainty doubt is your doorway.
-Elizabeth Winkler