Release What No Longer Serves You Ceremony
-Agni Meele Purohitam
I surrender to the fire of transformation🔥🔥🔥
The Rig Vede is the first known book. 1st shloka of the Rigveda is agni melee purohitam-
I surrender to the fire of transformation
Transformation Ritual
Step 1 – write out what no longer serves you or what you want to let go. Â Write it out in detail letting your raw emotions and feelings come out.
Step 2 – read it out loud in a quiet private place.  You are moving it out physically…speaking your peace.
Step 3 – burn it saying Agni melee purohitam – I surrender to the fire of transformation.
Step 4 – Replace what you let go with something sweet…nature abhors a vacuum.